I stumbled upon this site a few days back. I believe it is a great program to help one to create circuits in their computer, test them and then build them in the real world.
The program is called Fritzing and it is fun and a joy to use. Plus it's FREE!
You can creat parts that are not in its library and upload them to their site for others to use. You can also download addon parts that others have created. Oh... Did I mention that it's FREE?
You can also upload your finished projects for others to use or you can peruse through their extensive library of user uploaded circuits! Plus...The program is FREE!!!
A quote from their site says:"Fritzing is an open-source hardware initiative that makes electronics accessible as a creative material for anyone." Did I forget to mention that it's FREE?
I would encourage anyone who wants to learn more about electronics in general and also how to put together a circuit on your computer to download this program. In case I didn't mention it, The program is FREE!
You can then breadboard a circuit and test it out. You can also design & develop Arduino "Shield" add-on boards. Plus... The program is FREE!
Have fun my friends...
Bob de k2ki
Oh... One more thing... IT'S FREE!!!
Bob de k2ki
Oh... One more thing... IT'S FREE!!!
Here is the link to their site: