Monday, December 29, 2014

Fritzing, a wonderful electronic development platform!

I stumbled upon this site a few days back. I believe it is a great program to help one to create circuits in their computer, test them and then build them in the real world.
The program is called Fritzing and it is fun and a joy to use. Plus it's FREE!
You can creat parts that are not in its library and upload them to their site for others to use. You can also download addon parts that others have created. Oh... Did I mention that it's FREE?
You can also upload your finished projects for others to use or you can peruse through their extensive library of user uploaded circuits! Plus...The program is FREE!!!
A quote from their site says:"Fritzing is an open-source hardware initiative that makes electronics accessible as a creative material for anyone." Did I forget to mention that it's FREE?
I would encourage anyone who wants to learn more about electronics in general and also how to put together a circuit on your computer to download this program. In case I didn't mention it, The program is FREE!
You can then breadboard a circuit and test it out. You can also design & develop Arduino "Shield" add-on boards. Plus... The program is FREE!
Have fun my friends...
Bob de k2ki
Oh... One more thing... IT'S FREE!!!
Here is the link to their site:

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Another recent purchase AD9850 DDS

Hi again folks,

I found another interesting board on Ebay the other day. It's called "AD9850 DDS DSP Signal Generator Module Ad 9850 for Arduino Test Equipment".

This will hopefully integrate into my Multi Softrock v6.2 RXTX SDR project. I do have the I2C and an SI570 that works okish but I do like to tinker and winters are long here in Vermont! :-)

I have seen several blog entries from other hams that are utilizing this exact same board for similar purposes and other applications.

I have a couple of older Arduino clone boards and am looking to use this to control the frequency of my Softrocks. This one of course is coming from China so it might take a few weeks to arrive. I'll post updates after I receive it and test it out.
Bob de k2ki

Monday, December 15, 2014

Suggestions needed for Latching Relays

Hi folks,
I am looking for any suggestions for latching relays that will work for two projects I an thinking of.

A relay that will work at the 100 - 150W power level at HF frequencies. 2PDT is preferable 5 - 15V coil voltages are preferable.

I am in need of quite a few for two projects; a Multi-switcher for the 100 - 150W power range. I want to run this to allow me to select what transmitters/receivers & transceivers will connect to any of my HF antennas.

The second application would act as a switcher that will allow me to select one of multiple Softrock SDR Transceivers and switch the active SDR to the antenna output. These relays do not need to be a robust as they would be passing only QRP (1-5W power levels). Again 2PDT is needed.

All need to be latching variety.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks es 73...
Bob de k2ki

Monday, December 8, 2014

My antenna setup. A Hygain TH6-DXX on the bottom, Cushcraft 13 Element 2Mtr Yagi in the middle and a Diamond 2Mtr/70Cm on top.
I rebuilt the TH6-DXX last year (I'll post some pics of the rebuild later this week). It all sits on 62 feet of Rhon tilt-over tower. The Rotor is a Ham IV.

The section of pipe below the TH6 is for my wire antennas to hang. I have pulleys mounted on each end.

I have to rebuild my 6 Element 6Mtr Yagi that was destroyed by Hurricane Sandy. that will be a project for next spring.

Stay tuned for more pics.
73... Bob de k2ki

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

FT232RL FTDI232 USB to TTL Serial Adapter Module for Arduino Mini Port 3.3V 5.5V

I bought this interesting device on Ebay that I hope will allow me to computer control my Kenwood TS-690S from HRD.

It cost a Whopping $3.83 with free shipping so if it doesn't work, then I am not out a lot of  money.

Now, my eyes are not as good as they used to be so I can't tell if the FT232RL chip is one of the counterfeit chips that are flooding the market but I'll know better after putting it under the microscope and look for a laser etched logo.

I'll post results when I try this out.